Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Filming part 1.

After discussing our ideas and what we plan to actually film we planned to film on the Sunday the 2nd of October and go to Ashton court on this day to film the more outdoor type of scenes.

These are some images of when we went to film...
The 'hair hearts shot' from our story board

We wanted to add in the element of futurism with the mirror and this almost Alice in wonderland aspect 

Alice in Wonderland

When actually going to Ashton court and finding a good set up we put our equipment under a huge tree which on reflection mirrored a lot of Alice in Wonderland

We had multiple shots of flowers and the mirror, including things in the mirror, creating this idea of false reality and how things are perceived? 

This was a shot when Ella didn't realise I was taking it, she was walking around holding flowers

This is a group pic while we were out for the day, I'm pretty sure we had finished filming then and decided to document a successful day!

Note: We also had other parts to film and decided that this would be best in the half term to film!

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