Thursday, 15 December 2016

Final: Music video

Here is a link to our final music video of "Sea Oleena's" song 'Untitled'

"Conceptual and beautiful"

We developed our ideas from brain storming at the start to collecting audiences opinions and filming our video  and now all filmed, developed and edited here it is!

This is our final cut and we hope you enjoy watching it!!

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Audience Research: After making our Digi-pack and advert

After completing our digi-pack we collected some research from a sample of 10 people on who they'd rate our digi-pack out of 10! 

1 being the best and 10 being the worst. 

The results below showed us that 50% of our participants gave us a '1' being the best. 40% gave us a 2/10 for our album pack. And finally 10% (1 person) gave us a 3/10

Next we asked the same audience to analyse our magazine advert, but only 9 people this time, we wanted to know what their favourite aspects of the advert were!

We gave them a choice of three to choose from.

5 people said that the editing was their favourite part, with the same we composed everything and changed the images being something they really liked.
3 people said that the colours were their favourite, being the colours of the titles and the way that we changed the image colouring to look unique.
And finally 2 people said the liked the images, being the disposable camera element to the advert. 

From the results it looks as though our magazine advert and digi-pack were a big success and our target audience really enjoyed looking at the both.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Final: Magazine Advert

This was our final product for our magazine cover, we wanted it to be really interesting, different and something that would capture readers to want to hear more about the artist. We aimed for an advert where we could show what would be in the music video without giving too much away...
e.g The bath bomb, the scenery, and a small snap of Ella holding flowers at the bottom.

1. The bath scene
2. The scenery and outdoors
3. The outfits and flowers props we used

The advert gives curiosity, wondering and a magical feel to it. We switched up the colours of some of the photos and tried to almost tease the audience with actual photos we took on the days we filmed on the day! I think in a way its more authentic to do this, it goes against the conventions of close ups of the artist, instead having close ups of what is to come in the music video and what the artist is about. 


We really played around in photoshop as we weren't sure what entirely what we were doing! Overlaying photos and changing the opacity was a fun idea as well as inverting our photos to swap the colours completely! 

As a last minute thought we added the scanned in picture of the strip from where the disposables were developed and also inverted that to contrast with the normal coloured photos.

It was important to capture the dreamy, mystical and magical aura of our video and also our song as it would play a key part in who our artist (Sea Oleena) is and the vibe of which we thought would go well with her song!

Friday, 2 December 2016

Final: Digipack

This was our digi pack for our CD case that we created, we used all the photos from the disposable camera we had developed and used and layered them with text and barcodes etc. to creat an ep CD with a tray  and 4 inserts.