Saturday, 10 December 2016

Audience Research: After making our Digi-pack and advert

After completing our digi-pack we collected some research from a sample of 10 people on who they'd rate our digi-pack out of 10! 

1 being the best and 10 being the worst. 

The results below showed us that 50% of our participants gave us a '1' being the best. 40% gave us a 2/10 for our album pack. And finally 10% (1 person) gave us a 3/10

Next we asked the same audience to analyse our magazine advert, but only 9 people this time, we wanted to know what their favourite aspects of the advert were!

We gave them a choice of three to choose from.

5 people said that the editing was their favourite part, with the same we composed everything and changed the images being something they really liked.
3 people said that the colours were their favourite, being the colours of the titles and the way that we changed the image colouring to look unique.
And finally 2 people said the liked the images, being the disposable camera element to the advert. 

From the results it looks as though our magazine advert and digi-pack were a big success and our target audience really enjoyed looking at the both.

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